Why should you consider an interactive platform?

Think of an interactive platform as your company’s sales media center, displaying your products, conveying your messaging and ultimately consolidating all your marketing content into a single tool that allows you to tell your unique story in a variety of persuasive and organic ways.  Our platform is designed specifically for tablets and touch screens, and reflects years of experience developing interactive presentation tools for marketing.  At a glance, the Fusion Core offers:

  • Scalability to accommodate a wide range of clients and budgets
  • State of the art graphics on par with modern video games
  • Latency free, high fidelity interactions with content
  • Portability and interconnectivity across multiple hardware platforms
  • On-the-fly content customization and updatability

How do you want to tell your story?


The Product Viewer allows you to tell a story around your products. The viewer can display images, image sequences or interactive, fully 3D product models.  Products can be manipulated via mouse or touch. Multiple products can be stored and called up for viewing within the Product Viewer.

Models within the Product View can be very high resolution and can animate.  The Fusion Reactor supports robust texture and lighting simulations that can create photo-realistic looking simulations.


The Configurator allows you to step through different layers of a product from inside-out or outside-in.  A detailed 3D model of the product, with key components included, can be manipulated via mouse or touch. 

Specific elements of the model can be removed to reveal additional elements that are otherwise concealed or obstructed from view.  Components can be highlighted and animated to depict the operation of a component or an entire system of components.


The Timeline Viewer allows you tell stories that are specifically time-relative such as company growth or product evolution.  You can move forward and backward through columns that can represent days, months or years.  Within these columns is content that can be expanded and explored.


The Location Viewer allows content to be displayed on top of a geographical map, allowing you to tell location-based stories.  The map can be represented in 2D or 3D and rendered realistically or stylized to match your company’s brand language. Via mouse or touch you can move over the map, interacting with content linked to specific geographic locations. 


Content Modules are pop-up overlays that appear when markers are selected within all Fusion Core Viewers.  A Content Module displays images or videos with supporting text, providing a mechanism for more in-depth story-telling. 

Content Modules have pages like virtual brochures, allowing a single Content Module to display multiple pieces of content that you can flip through like the pages of a magazine. 

Introducing The FUSION CORE, our new entry-level, interactive platform that will allow you to create your own professional-looking, touchscreen interactive. Contact us to learn how you can try The Fusion Reactor free for your next trade show, event or exhibit.

The Fusion Core has a secure, cloud-based Content Management System designed to be operated remotely by a single, non-technical individual.

Through any commercial web browser, you can import text, images and video into the Fusion Core.  Simple, easy-to-use tools allow you to define the look of your interactive, place markers and build Content Modules around your products or services. Toggle controls allow you to hide specific content and, because your content is stored in the cloud, you can push your interactive to multiple platforms at the same time.

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